$79.99 AUD

Blackriver Fingerboard - 5ply Gris - Stoplight

32mm Low Shape

So far we had the new Blackriver boards with classic graphics, but that changes now. We sat together in the fingerboard kitchen and boiled up the new Blackriver Series, to combine fresh boards with fresh looks. Dig in and enjoy the ride.

Hand-painted using watercolour, "Stoplight" is a suggestive creation from independent artist Gris (Instagram @gris030.de).

Gris operates out of his atelier Grishaus in Berlin.

Real wear graphic,  5 plies.

Professional fingerboard, handmade in our headquarters in Germany.

29mm Trucks for Decks 29mm to 31mm
32mm Trucks for Decks 32mm to 33.5mm
34mm Trucks for Decks 33.5mm and up

Single Bearings wheels can work on almost all trucks with some excepts:
To use Single Bearing Wheels with Ytrucks, please use FBS Ytruck Spacers.

Dual Bearings Wheels only work on Ytrucks, TDLBT, TD32, Skull 32mm Trucks.

Wheels also come in 2 difference types:
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