Tech Deck - X-Connect Creator Park Set

Tech Deck - X-Connect Creator Park Set

Blackriver - Raviollie Flipping Hand Pro Complete Set 5ply 33.3mm

Blackriver - Raviollie Flipping Hand Pro Complete Set 5ply 33.3mm

$232.99 AUD

Berlinwood - BW Rasta Rally Complete Set

Creating the first small wooden fingerboards, Timo Lieben from Berlin did great pioneer work in 2002. He has provided the young fingerboard scene, which had been used to plastic boards up to that time, with the first usable wooden fingerboards.Until now Berlinwood is steadily in progress with ist developments. Several generations of fingerboarders from all over the world appreciate and love Berlinwood fingerboards. Berlinwood fingerboards are made of five wooden plies. Apart from being manufactured by professionals, the fingerboards are “100% handmade in Germany“.

The fingerboard complete set comes with a wooden Berlinwood deck, a pair of Blackriver trucks and a set of professional Blackriver "Blank Street" wheels. This set of Blackriver Trucks also includes eight mounting screws, lock nuts and the Blackriver fingerboard tool.

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29mm Trucks for Decks 29mm to 31mm
32mm Trucks for Decks 32mm to 33.5mm
34mm Trucks for Decks 33.5mm and up

Single Bearings wheels can work on almost all trucks with some excepts:
To use Single Bearing Wheels with Ytrucks, please use FBS Ytruck Spacers.

Dual Bearings Wheels only work on Ytrucks, TDLBT, TD32, Skull 32mm Trucks.

Wheels also come in 2 difference types:
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