Unique Decks -

Unique Decks - "Fiesta De Tortuga"

Unique Decks -

Unique Decks - "Bubble Logo" Transparent

$59.99 AUD

Unique Decks - "Dot Dot Dot" Transparent  - Real Wear Graphic Fingerboard

Please note the graphic used on this fingerboard is transparent/clear meaning that based on the color of the natural wood used under the graphic the deck may appear different from the pictures provided.

Professional fingerboard decks handmade in small batches by Mallory Curtis. Each deck is optimized for high-performance fingerboarding. Decks are constructed using the highest quality materials and the highest manufacturing standards.

Five plies of hand-dyed maple veneer

Perfectly aligned holes and countersinks

Crispy, responsive pop

Genuine skateboard heat transfer graphics, the best you can get (will wear realistically with use)!

-1 Unique deck
-1 sheet of tape.

29mm Trucks for Decks 29mm to 31mm
32mm Trucks for Decks 32mm to 33.5mm
34mm Trucks for Decks 33.5mm and up

Single Bearings wheels can work on almost all trucks with some excepts:
To use Single Bearing Wheels with Ytrucks, please use FBS Ytruck Spacers.

Dual Bearings Wheels only work on Ytrucks, TDLBT, TD32, Skull 32mm Trucks.

Wheels also come in 2 difference types:
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