$50.99 AUD

Cart Wheels - V3 Minis

A super small, wide wheel with a core. What more could you ask for?

Being small and wide, the Minicores are stable but also allow for a faster flip. Smaller goes harder!




(To keep your wheels feeling snappy and smooth, a small drop of bearing oil every month or so will keep them pristine!)



These are compatible with Blackriver Trucks, Dynamic Trucks and other trucks designed for single bearing wheels

29mm Trucks for Decks 29mm to 31mm
32mm Trucks for Decks 32mm to 33.5mm
34mm Trucks for Decks 33.5mm and up

Single Bearings wheels can work on almost all trucks with some excepts:
To use Single Bearing Wheels with Ytrucks, please use FBS Ytruck Spacers.

Dual Bearings Wheels only work on Ytrucks, TDLBT, TD32, Skull 32mm Trucks.

Wheels also come in 2 difference types:
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